New set on Flickr: Film Challenge 2020

Oktoberfest is an annual Dyxum Challenge – take a two lenses, in my case an old Pentacon 135mm/f2.8 and a new Tamron 20mm/2.8, and post 1 picture per day for the whole month. Check out the photos (and the outtakes) in the Dyxum section of the Photography menu.
July Prime Weeks is an annual Dyxum Challenge – take a different primes lens each week, and post 1 picture per day for the whole month. Check out the photos (and the outtakes) in the Dyxum section of the Photography menu.
April Foolishness is an annual Dyxum Challenge – take a two lenses, in my case an old Pentacon 135mm/f2.8 and a new Sony 85mm/1.8, and post 1 picture per day for the whole month. Check out the photos (and the outtakes) in the Dyxum section of the Photography menu.
See the images on the Flickr stream page at or see it at Flickr
Oktoberfest is an annual Dyxum Challenge – take a different primes lens each week, and post 1 picture per day for the whole month. Check out the photos (and the outtakes) in the Dyxum section of the Photography menu.